영어공부/GPT와 영어공부

[오픽 OPIC] 06. 음악 music

brave_sol 2024. 6. 1. 19:12

Q6-1. What type of music do you like listening to? Who is your favorite singer or composer?
어떤 음악을 듣는 것을 좋아하나요? 가장 좋아하는 가수나 작곡가는 누구인가요?

I like Korean indie music. I like calm music with good lyrics. It's like the songs you hear in a cafe. My favorite singer is Standing Egg. The name is funny, right? The lyrics of their songs are really pretty. Most of the songs are about love. My friend says these songs are like a fantasy. She says people like this don't exist. But I want to have a love like in the songs.

Q6-2. When and where do you listen to music? Do you listen to the radio? Or do you go to a concert?
언제, 어디서 음악을 듣나요? 라디오를 듣나요? 아니면 콘서트에 가나요?

I listen to music mostly when I'm moving around. On the subway or bus, or when I'm walking. I can't focus on other things if I listen to music, so I don't listen when I'm studying. I like the radio too. But I like listening to people's stories on the radio more than the music. When I listen to the radio, there are many funny stories, and if I can't talk to people for a long time, it feels like I'm talking to someone. It makes me feel less lonely. I like concerts, but they're too expensive, so I don't go often. Maybe once every few years. The last concert I went to was IU's concert four years ago. She has a great voice and sings so well. I was happy. I want to go again.

Q6-3. When did you first become interested in listening to music? What kind of music did you listen to when you were a child? How has your interest in music changed over time?
음악 듣기에 처음 관심을 가지게 된 때는 언제인가요? 어렸을 때 어떤 종류의 음악을 들었나요? 시간이 지나면서 음악에 대한 관심은 어떻게 변했나요?

I first became interested in listening to music when I was in middle school. When I was a child, I didn't like music much. It was too loud for me. But I started to like music when I listened to the singers my sister liked. Since then, I've liked indie music. I didn't listen to dance music. But these days, I like girl group dance songs. Their voices are so fresh, and I feel like I get energy from them. I listen to them when I exercise or want to feel strong. But I still like indie music too.
※ 예상 질문 출처 : 여우오픽 모의고사2 (난이도 5~6) 2:19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=decnnBMC-0E&t=128s
